Thursday, 25 March 2010


The things on this list are things I like, am curious about, places I have been or am going to, or words I picked out of a book with my eyes closed.

  1. Paris
  2. The Lake District
  3. Eggs
  4. Old
  5. New
  6. England
  7. Trees
  8. Twins
  9. Familia
  10. Collage
  11. Sea
  12. Life
  13. Surprize
  14. Memories
  15. Anger
  16. Spring
  17. Donuts
  18. Meadows
  19. Food
  20. Magazines
  21. Photos
  22. Nail Varnish/Make-up
  23. London
  24. Doors
  25. Cupcakes
  26. Summer
  27. Flowers
  28. Russian Dolls
  29. Earth
  30. Abstact
  31. Autumn
  32. Houses
  33. Polka Dots
  34. Fabric
  35. Miniature
  36. Iraq
  37. Sushi
  38. Rain
  39. New York
  40. Washington DC
  41. Lines
  42. Symmetry
  43. Mice
  44. Owls
  45. Elephant
  46. Black & White
  47. Photography
  48. Winter
  49. Christmas
  50. Words
  51. Children
  52. The World
  53. Eyes
  54. Beauty
  55. Colours
  56. Song
  57. Happy
  58. Fear
  59. Rebecca
  60. Imagination
  61. Pottery
  62. Food
  63. Short Story
  64. India
  65. Violence
  66. God